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Progressive Dramaturgy Theatre
(Czech) Sezona 50: Obzory

The Axe


1 March    19.30
First performance
3 March    17.30
discussion Early start
4 March    19.30
Authorial introduction
18 March    20.00
discussion introduction on tour
23 March    19.30
14 April    19.30

(Czech) „Jsem cizí, nebo domácí?“

I’ve got my own hypothesis about all these phenomena and I’m old enough to discuss them even with my Dad. Unfortunately, he isn’t alive enough to do so.

Ludvík Vaculík’s epic journey to visit his brother, a driver, leads through long detours and landscapes from his childhood which stir up persistent memories of his father’s life. The carpenter who built a house in a remote corner of Wallachia. The worker who supported a family from far-away Persia. The opinionated chairman of the National committee. The husband who would always come home in the morning. The skiers in the hills after nightfall. The quarrelsome father-in-law who had to be right. The widower who began a new life. The father with whom you had to negotiate. Kismet!

To walk through your native village wondering how much you’re still at home there. Where is that water? The ground that’s been dug over a thousand times. New blocks of apartment houses. Geese are no longer allowed in the village centre green, it’s been called a square. Some create facts, some suffer from them. You have no choice but to turn to your inner newsroom where you strive to see the world directly. How do we get firm? Is it even desirable when even our own memory is being transformed? What is being passed on to us? How do we get back to seeing clearly?

Published in 1966, the Axe became one of the most prominent Czech 20th-century novels. Vaculik’s testimony about deep social transformation in the 1950’s and personal responsibility resonates with the search of one’s place in a politically, ideologically and socially polarized society also today. Tied to the past, confused about the present, he tries to see himself, the world around him and his future more clearly.

The reunion of the director Břetislav Rychlík with the author and his friend Ludvík Vaculík, and Cyril Drozda, his long-term theatre colleague, actor as well as dramaturge in this case. The production premieres in HaDivadlo’s 50th season to reflect on his dissident roots.

Season 50: Horizons

(Czech) Událost na Facebooku PROGRAMME IN PDF POSTER IN JPG
1 March 2025
Ticket prices
CZK 480/360
Ludvík Vaculík
Břetislav Rychlík
Břetislav Rychlík and Cyril Drozda
Cyril Drozda and Anna Prstková
Dramaturgical collaboration
Milo Juráni
Stage design
Jan Štěpánek
Costume design
Markéta Sládečková
Petr Hromádka and Petr Mička
Movement collaboration
Hana Achilles
(Czech) Asistentka režie
(Czech) Barbora Schönová


Poděkování: Michal Stránský, Zdeněk Ptáček, Ondřej a Jan Vaculíkovi


(Czech) Ludvík

Zdeněk Trčálek guest

(Czech) Náčelník

Jan Vaculík guest

(Czech) Maminka, Madla

(Czech) Isabela Smečka guest

(Czech) Bratr řidič, Bratranec z Tarandové, Tonda, Slávek

Jáchym Sůra

(Czech) Sestra, Dívka, Bratrova žena

Magdalena Kuntová

(Czech) Strýček Balej, Lékař

Cyril Drozda

(Czech) Tetička, Úřednice

Marie Ludvíková /
Naďa Kovářová (Czech) j.h.

(Czech) Karel, Bratranec z Tarandové, Otec dívky

Radim Chyba

(Czech) Strýček, Ředitel školy, Ředitel trustu, Psychiatr

Miloslav Maršálek

Thank you for your support and cooperation